Last weekend we took off for an overnight camping trip. The Yuba River was our destination. Thanks to me (Brian) and some directions I got from the internet we ended up in the middle of nowhere, lost. We saw a cool ghost town (?) These buildings were on the outskirts of that town. We should have waited till dark and camped inside one, but we were on a quest to get to mother truckers for one of their famous sandwiches. The sandwich was worth getting lost.

We finally made it to the river, but unfortunately all campgrounds were full. We drove further until finally making it to the gold lakes basin where we cruised through a campground and found a nice spot, or so we thought. It wasn't until after we paid for it that we discovered it was next to a small lake and a stream. Sounds nice huh? It was until the mosquitos found out we were there. We through some food on the fire, and sat in the car reading until it was time to eat. We ate in the car and then went to the tent and tried to sleep. At 6 am we decided that we should bail out. We were on the road by 6:15. We stopped a few miles later to brush our teeth and snap a couple of photos of the sierra buttes.

Our trip didn't turn out as expected but after looking at these pictures it wasn't a wasted trip. Expect the unexpected.
Your right, they are pretty pictures.